Saturday, April 27, 2019

The End of an Era

I haven’t blogged in a while, but it seemed wrong not to write this post, being the Marvel fangirl that I am. This week marked the end of an era. What started with Iron Man in 2008 ended with Avengers: Endgame, at least for our original Avengers. I got to see the movie yesterday morning with my brothers, sister-in-law, and friends from church. I wouldn’t necessarily call this a review. More just my thoughts 24 hours later. So, beware, SPOILERS ABOUND. If you haven’t seen it yet, this is where you stop reading. Or, if you like spoilers, then, by all means, carry on…

I mean it. This is your final warning. Spoilers ahead.

Okay, if I were to sum Endgame up into two words, they would be spectacular and bittersweet. I thought the moving was amazing. Amazing to see how far all of our beloved heroes had come and to see them all assembled one more time. Now, this really won’t be a very coherent post. More like fangirl rambling and a random explosion of thoughts and emotions. Oh yeah, and be prepared for gifs.

First, Tony. Oh, Tony. I didn’t cry in the theater. I did get teary, but I didn’t cry. I think there were too many different emotions to cry. However, as the day passed, I could feel that cry coming on. Sure enough, last evening, I was sitting in my living room and the big fat tears started flowing. I cried for Tony. It may seem pathetic to the casual passersby for someone to cry over a fictional character. They are, after all, not real people and simply figments of a writer’s imagination. But, if you’re anything like me, you KNOW they are so much more than that. Characters inspire us. They encourage us. They help us to be braver, stronger, better people. There is power in fiction. That is why I love writing. So, yes, they may not be REAL people, but the emotions and attachments we feel to them ARE REAL.

Tony’s death was heartbreaking. Of course, I understand it. The Infinity Saga started with him and ended with him. It makes perfect sense. That doesn’t mean I have to like it. Other than Hawkeye (my favorite Avenger), I think Tony was the one I did NOT want to die. I really thought it would be Cap, and I was okay with that. Now, to clarify, when Civil War came out, I was firmly on Team Cap. I still am. But, on a personal level, I love Tony more than Steve. *hears Cap fangirls shrieking* And I just felt like Tony had more to live for. Did everyone else’s heart just melt at the scenes with him and Morgan?! It was gloriously adorable. I don’t want that poor, sweet little girl growing up without her daddy. It just hurts my poor fangirl heart.

So yeah, I personally would have preferred Cap to make the ultimate sacrifice. But I get it.

Speaking of Cap, one of the hands-down coolest moments of the entire film was when he picked up Thor’s hammer. I just about jumped out of my seat and cheered. IT WAS GLORIOUS. So, SO cool. Watching him wield it was all kinds of awesome.

Obviously, being the Hawkeye fangirl that I am, I was very excited to see him in this movie. But oh my word, watching that opening scene of him losing his family dashed my fangirl heart to pieces. Basically, the beginning of the movie broke my heart and the ending broke my heart. And did anyone else about have a heart attack when he and Natasha were fighting over who was going over that edge? Like, I didn’t think he was going to be the one to die, but I didn’t know. It was scary. And not that I wanted Nat to die. I just absolutely did NOT want it to be Clint. He needed to be back with his family. Daddy Hawkeye is my favorite.

It was shocking though, to have Nat die. That was a death I never really expected or thought about happening. I’ve never been a huge Black Widow fan, but I did enjoy seeing her character growth throughout the movies.

I think my only real annoyance with the movie was Thor. I kind of feel like they’ve ruined the character they started out with. I don’t think it was smart to change things up with his character in the final couple movies of the saga. His character in Endgame just did not seem to fit with the Thor we got to know between the first Thor movie and Age of Ultron. I get how much he lost and the guilt he felt after Infinity War, but I just can’t see the original Thor wallowing like that. I believe that Thor would have stepped up and been there for what was left of his people even if he was personally struggling. I feel sad not to have seen that Thor carried through to the end of this amazing journey. But yeah, that’s really my only complaint.

So now we’re looking at a new and different Marvel universe. I’m REALLY looking forward to the new movies and series, especially the Hawkeye series!!

I could probably go on an on, but I’ll end here. It was an amazing journey to this point. I’ll be mourning Tony for a while, but the adventure of the last 11 years was worth it.


  1. I felt exactly the same about Thor! SO disappointing. Thor was majestic. But now they basically turned him into Valkyrie and she became him, with no real reason or explanation (other than plot device for her to be the new king). Clearly, the whole thing was to make him suitable to join Guardians of the Galaxy, but it was so unnecessary! His interactions with them were better when he was real Thor. Anyway. Tony. They TOTALLY set us up to be extra super heartbroken over Tony, but also did a super good job of making it inevitable that it had to be him. And that scene, where Thanos repeats “I am inevitable,” and Tony says, “I am Ironman.” Perfection. But, they also set us up to be super sad over Hawkeye and then killed NAT, so. Not that I wanted Clint to die. At all. But NAT! I was terrified that whole scene, because I knew no matter how it ended, it was going to be awful. I did secretly hope they’d find some other way, but deep down I knew they wouldn’t. I ALSO harbored a tiny spark of hope that Loki would somehow not really be dead, which fanned to flame when he stole the tesseract and vanished. Even so, I know it’s still a long shot. The ending, though, couldn’t have been more perfect.

  2. Tony. Yes. He was (IS) my favorite, too.


  3. Yes I would be one of the Cap fan's screeching. I was glad that he didn't die, but I really did think he was going to. The whole sacrifice thing is more of cap's thing anyway. But he did have something to live for. He went back to Peggy! I do wish that Bucky was the next Captain though. And Thor... big disappointment. I fully agree with you on him. I really really realllllly hate Loki (from a guys perspective I'm the first person to hate Loki), but I was to the point of wishing Loki was alive to fix Thor.
    It was really cool to watch Endgame in the theater because everyone was cheering and clapping when Cap picked up Thor's hammer. The entire crowd was so enthusiastic. It was the first movie when everyone was cheering for a LONG time at the end. I was one of the louder cheerers.
