You may remember the cover reveal for Be Thou My Vision by my friend Faith Blum. (After all, it is only two posts down. Just shows how bad I am at updating my blog lately.) Well, today I get to be part of the fun blog tour to promote its release on October 26th. As part of the tour I get to share a couple interview questions and my thoughts on the book. First, however, a little about the story.
The church was empty when I dragged myself out of the pew and headed out the door. As I opened the door, the corner of my eye caught a flicker of movement which I chose to ignore. I walked down the steps and was nearly bowled over by two wild boys. With arms grown strong and quick from man-handling two brothers growing up, I grabbed the two boys before they had a chance to escape me.
Anna Stuart is comfortable with her life. She may be a 30 year old spinster, but she has her routine and enjoys taking care of her father and older brother. One letter shatters all her routines, comfort, and enjoyment. After learning of her brother’s death, Anna feels like her life will never be the same again.
Then she meets two motherless boys. Did God place them in her life to lead her to a new vision of life? Can she trust God to give her the desires of her heart before she even knows what they are?
My Review
I had the privilege of beta-reading Be Thou My Vision. Since that was a couple of months ago, I admit the story is a little foggy (I should know better than to not write reviews right away), but I did very much enjoy it. I enjoyed Anna’s journey of faith, and while I don’t mind a good fairytale romance, I appreciated Faith’s more realistic approach to the subject. It was also interesting to read a historical novel in first person. There aren’t many written that way, at least not many I’ve read. I look forward to seeing what comes next in Faith’s Hymns of the West series. (And I love how she incorporates hymns into each book’s theme!)
Interview Questions
Q7: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
God’s wisdom is so much greater than ours and we should lean on Him, not ourselves.
Q8: How much of the book is realistic?
I hope all of it is realistic since that is one of the reasons I wrote a romance novel the way I did. I wanted it to be realistic rather than an ushy-gushy, if-we’re-attracted-to-each-other-we-must-be-in-love romance.
Make sure you visit the other stops on the tour (which you can find here) to read the rest of the interview and see what others are saying about the book! Faith is also having a special 99 cent pre-order sale until the book’s release on the 26th, so be sure to take advantage of it!
And don’t forget to stop by the Be Thou My Vision Facebook Launch Party on November 1st at 7-8:30 PM (CST)! Not only will it be great fun, but there will be a bunch of book giveaways!
About Faith
An avid reader, Faith Blum started writing at an early age. Whether it was a story about the camping trip that summer or a more creative story about fictional characters, she has always enjoyed writing. When not writing, Miss Blum enjoys reading, crafting, playing piano, moderating on the Holy Worlds Historical Fiction Forum and playing games with her family (canasta, anyone?).
As a history enthusiast who has been fascinated for years with the Old West, Faith has endeavored to create a clean, fun, and challenging Western story. Faith lives with her family on a hobby farm in the Northern Midwest, where she enjoys the many cats they have.
You can find Faith on her Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.