Hey everyone! I’m bringing you another author interview today! This time it’s with Ashlee Willis in celebration of the release of her new fantasy novella, A Wish Made of Glass! (By the way, isn’t this a gorgeous cover?!)
Amazon Buy Link: http://smile.amazon.com/Wish-Made-Glass-Ashlee-Willis/dp/0692474595/
Book Description:
Deep in a forest glade, the fey folk dance with Isidore, a young human child. Their kinship is the very fabric of her childhood. When her mother dies and her world darkens with sorrow, Isidore finds her belief in the fey folk wavering.
The love of her new step-sister, Blessing, proves an unexpected gift in her time of need. Yet even as their friendship blooms, Isidore begins to see that Blessing is everything she herself has always wanted to be, but is not. Jealousy grips Isidore as she watches this beautiful new sister steal away all she holds dear.
Driven to desperation, Isidore turns to the fey folk once more. She has only one wish to claim from them, one chance to make things right. But she must tread carefully. For wishes, like hearts, are easily broken. And obtaining the one thing she desires could mean destroying the one thing she truly needs.
1. What was the first story you ever wrote?
One of the very first was a story called The Moon’s Test, a fairy tale about King Moon, who had to travel beneath the ocean to rescue his fallen wife, Queen Star, from a sea dragon. It was so much fun to write. I still have that story stashed away in a drawer somewhere. Maybe one day I’ll get it out and make it into something publishable.
2. What inspired you to start writing?
Both of my parents love to write, and I’ve always loved reading as well. One of our good family friends was an author and he constantly encouraged my meager little efforts when I was a child, which was so heartening for me. I grew up in an environment where it seemed natural to extend my love of reading into actually creating my own stories and poems and books. Once I started writing stories – probably around the age of 8 or 9 – I just never stopped.
3. What is the most interesting experience you’ve had while writing?
I’m afraid my answer for this one would be rather boring, really. Most of the interesting experiences I have while writing are internal, not external. Such as when I discover something about a character I never knew before. Or when the plot takes a turn that is so, so much better than anything I could have ever planned. Or when a character says something that resonates with so much truth that I find myself thinking, “Why haven’t I ever realized that?” only to know in the next moment that, of course, I DO know that… But as far as externally interesting experiences, I haven’t got much more exciting than one of my cats deleting a paragraph or two.
4. Do you have a special spot or time you like to write?
Not a particular spot, no. But I do like to write in the mornings. It’s when my mind is the clearest. If I don’t begin writing fairly quickly during the day, most of the time it won’t get done at all. Too many other things begin vying for my time and energy.
5. What do you typically turn to for the most inspiration?
It depends on what I’m seeking inspiration for. But most times I just need to be alone in Creation somewhere. I take a lot of walks in the woods and through the rolling hills of Missouri where I live. I’m a person with a very one-track mind – I’m horrible at multi-tasking – and when I get out with just the sounds of nature and the wind and the sunshine, I can slough off the things that were clattering around in my mind at home. That’s when story ideas begin coming to the surface.
6. If you could spend a day with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you like to do?
There are so many great ones to choose from, so I’m going to choose a random one, even if it’s not necessarily my top pick. I’ve always had a strange fascination with Eleanor of Aquitaine. The things she went through, the brave and bold person she was. I’d love to just spend the day talking to her and seeing her way of life, meeting her people and kingdom and learning more about what exactly it takes to make a person so fiercely courageous as she must have been.
7. What is your dream vacation?
Oh, I have several dream vacations J One of them has been to stay way up in the mountains, the Swiss Alps or somewhere similar, in a little cottage near a lake or a river, and of course with a spectacular view, and simply disconnect from the world for a while. I picture myself doing dreadfully primitive things like eating out of wooden bowls and cooking from scratch (if you know me, you know just how primitive this would be for me…!) and washing my clothes in the river. Haha. I might not make it very long doing that – but it’s a great thought anyway. I do truly long for that idea of simplicity, even for a little while.
Author Bio:
Ashlee Willis is the author of fantasy for young adults. While most of her days are balanced between writing, reading and being a stay-at-home mom, she also finds time to enjoy forest rambles, crocheting, and playing the piano. She lives in the heart of Missouri with her family.
5-Star Review Excerpt:
"A story of wonder, beauty, heartbreak, healing, a story to remind us that we are not made for this world. This story is a beautifully written, descriptive fairy tale." - Clare Farrelly, excerpt from a Goodreads review
Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/BookishAshlee
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/AshleeWillisAuthor
Author Website: ashleewillisauthor.wordpress.com