Friday, November 20, 2015

Resistance Audiobook + Giveaway!

As many of you may know, I’ve been working J. Grace Pennington to produce an audiobook version of Resistance. I’m very happy to announce that the day has finally come that said audiobook is finished and available! Under normal circumstances, I might have had some participating bloggers and a big release celebration, but this time of year is way too crazy to plan something like that. I didn’t want to push the release back because I want it available for Christmas sales, so here it is. :)


Buy Now!

At the moment, the MP3 version is available for download, but for those of you who don’t have the internet power to download it (like me :P ), or you’d just rather have a hard copy, I’ve got it covered! I should have a CD version of the audiobook available to purchase in a week or so. I’m just waiting on my shipment of CD inserts and cases. :)

The audiobook costs $19.99 to purchase, but I’m offering a special introductory price and early holiday sale. From now through Monday, November 30th, you can get it for 20% off! Again, if you’d like the CD version, don’t worry. I’ll have the same discount on them once they’re available.

When you go to purchase the MP3 version, just use the promo code SPECIAL20 when you check out to get 20% off. :)

Here is the first chapter so you can give it a listen!

But what would a release be without a giveaway, right? Use the form below to enter to win a CD copy of the audiobook! U.S. entries only please. I’m afraid I can’t ship internationally.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The humanness of Jace intrigued me. Plus having the first scene of Resistance from Jace's perspective was perfect!

  2. I am sooooooo excited for this audiobook! My brothers and dad pretty much only read via audiobooks, so now I can FINALLY introduce them to your books yay!

  3. That is amazing!! I am SUPER EXCITED!!!!! Congrats!!

  4. Congrats! This is so awesome!

  5. That is awesome! I might just og and buy one...

  6. Just getting to know more about Jace in "Half-Blood" was fantastic. And sad. Heart-breaking really, but good. :)
    Congrats on the audiobook!!!

  7. AAAAAAH SO EXCITING! I usually don't do audio books, because then I have to find something to do while listening to them, but this is still seriously cool. I'll listen to the first chapter sometime soon though.


  8. Congratulations! Exciting! I was just wondering yesterday what the status of this project was. :)

  9. Oh my goodness this is SO EXCITING!!!!!! Congratulations, Jaye! Grace's voice really works. :D

  10. This is super exciting! Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. So exciting! I am so glad for you Jaye, congrats on the release!

  12. So exciting! I am so glad for you Jaye, congrats on the release!

  13. This is great! Now I can get my dad to listen to your book! He takes forever to read anything! :-P

  14. Oo, a Resistance audiobook? That's awesome! :D

  15. Congratulations!! That's so exciting!! ;D

  16. Yaaaayyy!!!! So excited!! Oh, I hope I get the giveaway. :)

  17. This is awesome, Jaye!!! :) I'm SO excited about the audiobook - I can't wait to hear it!

  18. Congratulations!! So happy for you!!!

  19. As someone who has met J. Grace Pennington, let me just say, THIS IS AWESOME! :D

  20. Congrats on the audiobook! :D Would be fab to win this - I don't usually get to buy them as they can be pricey so it would be a treat :D Must be so cool to hear your words read aloud

  21. Congratulations! That is so exciting! :)

  22. I love audio books! And audio books of my favorite books are even better!! :D
    *echoes the congratulations and excitement of everyone else* ^.^

  23. A couple of my daughters have already read your books on Kindle. I am a visual thinker with a vivid imagination and prefer audio books, so I had not read your books yet. I purchased and listened to the first chapter....what a great job! Thanks so much for releasing the audio version :)

  24. Still awaiting news,about Samara's Peril. Any news about a possible release date?

    1. I'm hoping March/April if everything goes really smoothly, but May/June might be more realistic.
