Tuesday, June 11, 2019

New Covers for Time Captives

Well, I was supposed to post this yesterday morning. Oops. But I JUST moved into my new rental house (yay!) and spent most of the day getting my office/computer/internet set up, so here is the post a day late. My friend and soon-to-be Realm Makers roommate, Morgan Huneke, has updated the covers for her Time Captives series! Pretty, yes? (For some reason, my brain is adding "preciousssss" to the end of that question. xD )

About Time Captives

In a perilous quest that spans two worlds, four siblings must team up with their long-lost ancestors and a rebellious slave to deliver an enslaved people from the cruel strytes who invaded their land.


To celebrate, Morgan will be giving away a complete set of brand new Time Captives books! Be sure to enter! Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.

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