Friday, January 26, 2018

Writing and Publishing Updates (i.e. Oh, the torture!)

This update has been a long time coming. (Wow, that sounds ominous. But don't freak, I'm not quitting writing or anything.) It's really just an update. You see, I've been getting an increasing number of messages lately asking about the status of Bitter Winter and how writing is going. In one word, it's basically . . . not. Yeah, this whole last year has been awful for writing and editing. Just terrible. Basically, torture. Yeah.

You see, when I moved out on my own, I suddenly had all of the pressures of adulthood dropped on me. Groceries, bills, insurance, vehicle issues. Everything. And then lots of family stuff. Nothing really bad or anything. Just life. You know, that thing that likes to take all of your best-laid plans and, with a puff of smoke, turn them into ashes? Yeah, life. I feel like mine has been a chaotic, disorganized mess that I haven't been able to completely sort out yet even though I've been on my own for a whole year. I'm hoping 2018 will be where I finally hit my stride. *feels LIFE lurking over my shoulder ready to strike*

I suppose I'm being somewhat dramatic, but that's how 2017 felt. I did almost no writing besides finishing up the surprise NaNoWriMo contemporary romance that leaped into my life late 2016. The fact that I've hardly written in a year is absolute torture itself. Writers can't not be writing. It leads to feelings of hopelessness and self-loathing. I'm not even kidding. This gif is basically what it has felt like to try to write for the past year.

Editing has been no better. I'm still working on the first chapter of Bitter Winter.

The. First. Chapter.

Ugh. More torture. More self-loathing. Here is actual footage of me trying to edit.


Again, I'm being dramatic, but it's actually the truth. And I constantly beat myself up over it. With every month that passes, I feel the pressure of needing to get the next book out. And, of course, that just makes it all that much worse. I don't do well under pressure. Is it any wonder I've had a horrible case of writer's block?


So, that's all the bad news. Here's the good news. I started writing today. Some of it was easy, some of it was hard. I've implemented a plan that I hope will help me stay on track and finish writing book six of Ilyon Chronicles this spring. That has been the biggest thing weighing on me. I need to get that book done.

As for Bitter Winter, I also did some editing today. I think once I get going on it, it will become easier. I have no idea when it will be published, but unless something catastrophic comes up, I will publish it this year. To answer the question I keep getting: Sorry, I don't have an actual publishing date yet. It's way too soon for that. But I will announce it the moment I know. :)

In the mean time, prayers are very much appreciated. Adulthood is hard. (Can I get an 'amen'?) Writing it not nearly as easy as it was when I would sit in my bedroom for hours on end at my parents' house and not have all the adult responsibilities I do now. It was more fun then, sadly. But, regardless of how long it may take, I'm going to keep on pushing forward. I will get these last two Ilyon books done. And I can't tell you how much all of your loyal support means to me, especially when the going gets tough. Thanks for sticking it out with me!

P.S. I nabbed the gifs from this awesome blog post that perfectly sums up being a writer. (Disclaimer: I have no idea who this author is, what she writes, or what else is on her blog/website. It just came up when I was searching through gifs.)


  1. Adulting is hard! And while my kids and I are looking forward to your next book, remember you are more important than any book! You will hit your stride ;)

  2. It's okay. I remember the first year I had a Real Job. All I had to show for myself writing-wise that year was finally finishing the first draft of Water Princess, Fire Prince, and then three short stories. (And ... maybe a bit of Kingdom, but I don't remember much on its front.)

    Life happens. Life can suck you dry. And that's okay. You'll find yourself again, and you'll be the better author for it.

  3. Yep. I'm at that stage. I'm officially on my own with my own place, job, and bills, and adult responsibilities. And have not gotten as much writing as I want to done in the last 6 months at least. I'm also hoping 2018 is where I can figure out plans and stick to them to actually get writing things done.
    You got this! I'll be waiting patiently over here for the last two books, but do what you need to do first to take care of life and things. :)

  4. *hugs* Don't feel badly about not getting as much done with writing as you wanted, Jaye ... sometimes writers need breaks!! But yes, I know the hard feelings that come with not writing! Eek! I've been dealing with that myself for the past year or so. Basically blogging is the only writing I've been able to do.

    Amen ... figuring out adulthood is hard, indeed! Maybe the stress of of such things is why I can't really write. :p

    I'll be keeping you in my prayers! <3 I'm so looking forward to reading your next release, but I can be patient, haha! ;)

  5. Don't stress, you got this, and we are patient =D

  6. I've had a similar experience with schooling. The original motive for me to go to a particular college at the time, was how the schooling felt. It seemed to fit everything I had ever wanted. That's what got me. A year in, I was already trying to balance life, schoolwork and reading the Bible all at once. It got really bad to the point that when I was about halfway through the second year, my mind began blocking out all my problems I needed to get done including both the good and the bad things.

    Needless to say, I ended up dropping out due to the sheer pressure of the situation and spent the next two years struggling to regain my motivation and passion back. Eventually, I came to the realization that I had to just do something and began a journal so I wouldn't end up driving myself insane. It's something I still do on the side to help clear my mind of my troubles and work my way through them. Over time, things got easier the more I wrote the journal and today, things are finally moving in a direction I believe God wants me to go. It's still a lot of work to go back to college, but I'm dedicated to fulfilling the role that only I can do.

    You have a purpose too Jaye. You may have trouble writing now, but that struggle is something that is well worth the words on the page. All of your books have helped me through these past two years of my life and showed me things I never knew about myself. It amazed me how much I laughed tears of joy, even through the hardest trials the characters went through, since I knew that things would only get better. That outlook on life is something I will never forget and I hope you too can work through your struggle to produce something even greater than you ever imagined. It's never the good times in life that we grow, it's always when things get hard that God truly molds us into the very characters we need to be in His story.

  7. Praying for you, Jaye! <3 While I'm not an adult yet, I understand part of what you're explaining. And to be honest, as much as I can't wait to read more Ilyon Chronicles, this post makes me feel better too, as I've been having a lot of trouble over the past months writing. I know that feeling of self-loathing, it's nice to know that a real author sometimes feels the same way. :) I'm sorry you've been having trouble, but hopefully 2018 will bring the peace you need! Thanks for all you do! Sending lots of prayers your way!

  8. Amen on the Adulting! I sometimes wish I could crawl back into pre-teen or even awkward teenage years where my parents took care of me and I didn't have to worry about anything other than school... But, we grow for a reason, I suppose, and there's so many new and amazing possibilities (and responsibilities, of course) in the Adulting world. I admire you (and your books) so much, Jaye! Keep on keeping on! Hard work and diligence ALWAYS pays off. :]

  9. Hi, Jaye! I tried to leave a comment awhile ago (on this post, I think), but it disappeared or something. :( That's been happening to me a lot for some reason.

    Anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of and praying for you! And excited for Bitter Winter! But it's okay to take a break from writing and breathe!! And figure out other life stuff. That's kinda what I'm doing right now. Hope you're doing well, friend. <3

    By the way, I tagged you for The Liebster Award, in case you're interested.

    God's blessings!
